018 - Office Dress Code (Part 2/4)
GQ magazine released the 40 rules of thumb for the guys (based on an interview of 1000 gents) dressing up at the office. We are going to break down each rule and tackle every single one. Let us know your thoughts and comment below.
11. Loosen tie? Don't do it!
Style 4 Gents: Either tie on or tie off. You wanna be that guy who acts like you don't care? Leave it at the sports bar.
12. You have a responsibility to represent the company through your style. You're the business card in that moment.
Style 4 Gents: It's your name on the business card. No reason you will do something degrading yourself.
13. Know what your dress shirt is saying.
Style 4 Gents: Basically GQ is saying higher the collar, better the style. We have not found the statistically relevance, but we do want to point out the narrower the space between the collar point, the more up tight you appear to be.
14. 36% of guys said their favorite suit color is black
Style 4 Gents: You should have at least 1 to 2 black suits. Afterwards, go for different shades of gray suits.
Project Upgrade (The business causal office)
First of all: Business causal = Suits minus jacket
15. Mix-and-Don't Match: Play with shirt and tie patterns. Make sure scales are different.
Style 4 Gents: For starter, keep either shirt or tie in plain and trade the other with patterns. Then you can play mix-and-match on different medium. Practice makes perfect. Tips? Keep it in the similar color tone.
16. Matte it down: Keep belt buckle small
17. Catch a bad break: No more puddling pants
18. Go shrink yourself: No oversized shirt
Style 4 Gents: One way I determine if the shirt is fit to the body is by looking at the buttons after you try on the shirt. When it seems like they are stretching a lot and seemingly popping out, then it's too tight and you need to size it up. If you notice the fabric is sagging and there's no trace of your body shape. Then you need to size it down or look for a better fit. Classic fit or slim fit is really about bringing the best side of your body shape, not the mis-conceptional gay side.
19. 'Watch' this: Work proper timepiece means a leather strap and simple face
Style 4 Gents: We believe it's appropriate regardless it's metal strap or leather strap. Just save the plastic at sports day.
20. Punch Up Your Kicks: Suede bucks and colorful socks were made for business causal.
Style 4 Gents: Suede needs extra care because the material looks terrible and dirty when it touches water. But feel free to pair some colorful socks with your dress shoes. It's trendy, playful and office appropriate.
Come back tomorrow for the part 3! You can also check out part 1 here.