036 - Monday Workout
In the past 24 hours, we might drink too much beer and eat too much junk food during the not-so-exciting Super bowl... ... and the post game party that we were not sober enough to remember. However, since you are able to drag yourself off the bed today and bare a slight hangover to work, we are suggesting a 12 minutes work out that will certainly detox some of your guilty pleasure from yesterday.
Time to work those lazy muscles!
Ideal Results: Deliver strength gains, cardio conditioning, and a boosted metabolism
Remarks: Perform move 1A, then immediately do 1B to complete the first super-set. Rest 30 seconds, then do moves 2A and 2B. Rest 30 seconds, then repeat the whole circuit twice more.
Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart and arms extended at shoulder height in front of you, palms facing floor. Jump up as high as possible as you bend your legs, drawing knees toward chest and hands. Land softly. Immediately repeat. Continue for 45 seconds.
2A / Superman Push-ups
Get in high-plank position with wrists under shoulders and feet shoulder-width apart. Bend elbows, lowering chest toward floor. Pause. As you return to start, lift left arm to shoulder height in front of you and right leg to hip height behind you. Repeat, this time lifting right arm and left leg. Continue for 45 seconds.
Get in high-plank position with wrists under shoulders and feet shoulder-width apart. Bend elbows, lowering chest toward floor. Pause. As you return to start, lift left arm to shoulder height in front of you and right leg to hip height behind you. Repeat, this time lifting right arm and left leg. Continue for 45 seconds.
2B / Mountain Climbers
Get in high-plank position with wrists under shoulders and feet hip-width apart. At a consistent pace, draw left knee toward chest, then immediately return to start as you draw right knee toward chest. Continue, alternating legs, for 45 seconds.
Get in high-plank position with wrists under shoulders and feet hip-width apart. At a consistent pace, draw left knee toward chest, then immediately return to start as you draw right knee toward chest. Continue, alternating legs, for 45 seconds.
Regimen: Arm Yourself
If you have six extra minutes, adding this super-set to the circuit will burn out your upper body. Here's how: After completing the first round, rest 30 seconds as directed, then perform move 3A immediately followed by move 3B (below). Rest 30 seconds, then run through all three super-sets two more times
3A / Single-Leg Bent Over Rows
Stand with left leg forward, right leg back and hold a 25-pound dumbbell in right hand at side, palm facing body. Bend left leg and hinge forward from hips until back is nearly parallel to the floor. Bend right elbow, drawing weight toward chest. Return to start. Do 15 reps, then switch sides to complete set.

Stand with left leg forward, right leg back and hold a 25-pound dumbbell in right hand at side, palm facing body. Bend left leg and hinge forward from hips until back is nearly parallel to the floor. Bend right elbow, drawing weight toward chest. Return to start. Do 15 reps, then switch sides to complete set.

3B / Renegade Rows
Get in high-plank position with wrists under chest, each hand holding a 25-pound dumbbell, and feet shoulder-width apart. Bend right elbow, drawing weight toward chest. Lower, then repeat, this time bending left elbow. That's one rep. Do 10.
Get in high-plank position with wrists under chest, each hand holding a 25-pound dumbbell, and feet shoulder-width apart. Bend right elbow, drawing weight toward chest. Lower, then repeat, this time bending left elbow. That's one rep. Do 10.
Credit: Performed by Ben Hart at New York City Equinox. Published at Details.com